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A Revival Remembered


The Brownsville Revival: 5 Years of Revival and Renewal

A Revival Remembered

The Brownsville Revival, also known as the Pensacola Outpouring, was a widely reported Christian revival within the Pentecostal movement that began on Father's Day 1995. The revival lasted for five years, and during that time, it drew thousands of people to the Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida. The revival was characterized by a number of unusual phenomena, including spontaneous laughter, crying, and falling out (known as being "slain in the Spirit"). These phenomena were often interpreted as signs of the Holy Spirit's presence. The revival also led to a number of conversions and healings.

The End of the Revival

The Brownsville Revival ended in 2000, five years after it began. There are a number of reasons why the revival ended, but one of the most likely is that the leadership of the Brownsville Assembly of God became too focused on the revival and neglected other aspects of ministry. This led to a number of problems, including financial difficulties and burnout among the staff. Despite its end, the Brownsville Revival continues to be remembered as a powerful time of renewal and change. The revival showed that God can use anyone, anywhere, anytime to change the world.

